Finally got a chance to go camping a couple of days ago in Zig Zag National Forest at the base of Mt. Hood. So perfect!

Hair 1977
Some more inspirations for a short cut. I scanned all these from a 1977 hair style magazine....

I'm sure most of these are impossible to maintain for more than 5 minutes while you are having your photo taken, but I do think that last one looks pretty easy to keep up and it just so happens to be my favorite of the bunch....
craigslist diaries: a cautionary tale of mixing rompers with cocktails

to the man who walked in on me sitting on the toilet buck naked - w4m (Savoy)
afterwards, while you were walking out and i screamed "it's a romper!" at you, my companion pointed out to me that you are a man and probably have no clue what a "romper" is. so, to fill you in, a romper is not a one-off sexual encounter with a random naked stranger in a public restroom. a romper is a one-piece item of clothing, it's basically a dress with a crotch. see, when a lady typically has to pee, shorts alone are fine because you can pull them down, and dresses alone are fine because you can pull them up, but rompers require that she fully disrobe unless she wants to soil her outfit. in my frantic haste of urgently having to pee and knowing that there was quite a bit of unbuttoning standing between me and relief, i guess i didn't push the lock in all the way. oops.
so that, dear sir, is why i was naked and why the door was unlocked. i hope that my folly was as amusing to you as it was to me, but i apologize if it only freaked you out.
- Location: Savoy
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
With fall rapidly approaching, I decided it was time to dust off the old hat collection and get them up into Maiden Rapture Vintage. Here's some of what you can expect up in the shop by the end of today!

My lovely model, Julie, is going to start contributing to this blog soon and I'm really excited about it! This girl knows more about vintage than most people I've ever met. Her style is impeccable and taste in decorating is inspiring. Be on the lookout for her posts!
One about the premise of placing value on broken-in clothing
So, Desi has been asking me for weeks to contribute to her blog, but i've been pretty piss shy about the whole thing because i don't know where to start and am overwhelmed by my lack of anything to say. I feel, however, that the best way to overcome this blockage is to post any old random thing and stop thinking about it too much, so... here's one about the premise of placing value on broken-in clothing:
Any one who spends any serious time in thrift stores knows that the genuinely broken in piece of clothing is a rare and exciting thing- be that because you enjoy the find, or because you enjoy selling off the find, finding a properly super beat down t-shirt means a good day. But what is the appeal of these faded jeans and these crackled soft leather boots? Despite the fact that "fashion" is intrinsically a purely aesthetic being, the appeal is not necessarily because these items look good (although it is arguable that broken-in gear does fit better and hang better, there is still a marked difference between a genuinely worn t-shirt and an equally aesthetically pleasing factory made burnout t-shirt). No, the appeal is, more likely, due to something that is less sensual and more sensitive. The attribute that is exciting about pieces of broken-in clothing is the love that they possess. Think of it like this, personally, i can't ever manage to wear down a pair of jeans that never made me feel good to begin with, because something has to be worn fairly often for a fairly long period of time before it becomes threadbare or broken down. It has to be loved. Wear and tare is directly proportional to the number of days that someone opens that closet door and reaches for that one specific item out of the entire selection; that one thing that is comfortable and familiar and induces a sense of confidence and well being. Favs, people. Inanimate objects that were showered with someone's love and good vibes, maaaaan for years (if i wanted to get really hippy about things i might mention the possibility that the physical matter that the clothing is composed of could hold on to some of positive energy that it was showered with for all of those years, but... eh...) . Basically, these items meant something to someone at some point and now they have somehow managed to find their way to you. Items like this are rare and wonderful finds because long lasting love doesn't happen all of the time and it doesn't end as often either. That is why these items shine. That is their value.
Any one who spends any serious time in thrift stores knows that the genuinely broken in piece of clothing is a rare and exciting thing- be that because you enjoy the find, or because you enjoy selling off the find, finding a properly super beat down t-shirt means a good day. But what is the appeal of these faded jeans and these crackled soft leather boots? Despite the fact that "fashion" is intrinsically a purely aesthetic being, the appeal is not necessarily because these items look good (although it is arguable that broken-in gear does fit better and hang better, there is still a marked difference between a genuinely worn t-shirt and an equally aesthetically pleasing factory made burnout t-shirt). No, the appeal is, more likely, due to something that is less sensual and more sensitive. The attribute that is exciting about pieces of broken-in clothing is the love that they possess. Think of it like this, personally, i can't ever manage to wear down a pair of jeans that never made me feel good to begin with, because something has to be worn fairly often for a fairly long period of time before it becomes threadbare or broken down. It has to be loved. Wear and tare is directly proportional to the number of days that someone opens that closet door and reaches for that one specific item out of the entire selection; that one thing that is comfortable and familiar and induces a sense of confidence and well being. Favs, people. Inanimate objects that were showered with someone's love and good vibes, maaaaan for years (if i wanted to get really hippy about things i might mention the possibility that the physical matter that the clothing is composed of could hold on to some of positive energy that it was showered with for all of those years, but... eh...) . Basically, these items meant something to someone at some point and now they have somehow managed to find their way to you. Items like this are rare and wonderful finds because long lasting love doesn't happen all of the time and it doesn't end as often either. That is why these items shine. That is their value.
Flea Circus
If I didn't hate fleas so much I might find this cruel... but after the battle my kitten's been having with fleas, I'm kind of enjoying watching the little buggers be put to work! In any case, her miniscule sets are incredible and it's an interesting piece of entertainment history.
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