Anyway... Right now I'm trying to come up with some sort of direction to turn him in or inspirations for him to draw from when he creates the artwork for Maiden Rapture Vintage.
I've been word associating all day....
Maiden: female, feline, femininity, coy, innocence, perceived innocence, long flowing hair, curls of hair, waves of hair, lolita, femme fatale, statuesque, grecian goddess, damsel, nouveau, deco, vintage, antique, coquettish, flowers, siren, perfume, vanity, and my favorite: mermaid.
Rapture: eroticism, nighttime, dancing, disco, holiness, divinity, nirvana, embrace, sun/moon, elation, floating, levitation, glory, magic, enchantment, heaven, sex, sexuality, trance, ecstacy, secrets, seeing stars, BLISS.
What do the words "Maiden Rapture" mean to you?
Images from here, here, here, and here.