
Portland Snow = Coats of Many Colors

In honor of the white blanket of snow that is covering my fair city of Portland right now, I've decided to make my first blog post about winter coats! As the 15 coats/jackets in my closet will have you know, I'm a bit of a coat addict. Usually the first place I head to in a thrift store is the coat rack... shoes come second, bags third. As soon as I step in the door of a thrift store I feel a bit of a panic overwhelming me... I rush to the coats while keeping an eye out for any young stylish girls who may have beat me to the punch. Silly, I know, but I can't help it (what am I going to do if I do find some pretty young thing with a gorgeous coat in her dirty paws? Probably nothing). The rush overcomes me every time! In any case, I've managed over the years to find far more than my poor, bursting closet will hold, which is one of reasons I opened a store through Etsy.com. I simply cannot keep everything I find. Here are a few coats that are up in my Etsy shop now (or will be in the next couple days)!

You can find those at Maiden Rapture Vintage on Etsy!

Today I went into my backyard with my camera and took pictures in the snow. We don't get snow in Portland very often, in fact the last big snow we had was about 5 years ago, so I wanted to take advantage of it. I froze my ass off, but I think the pictures turned out well and the colors really pop against the snowy whiteness. My boyfriend hopped into a photo after he pulled into the driveway and saw me there making a fool of myself... we play really well off of eachother's silly energy sometimes. Speaking of boyfriends, does every female blogger worth her salt have to have a secret code name for her significant other? I guess I'd better think of one....


Snow always puts me into a kind of trance... or should I say transformation? I begin imagining myself as some sort of introspective soul searching kind of artisté, withdrawn from society by choice, hermetically sealed away in some icy mountain caves for the winter with only my camera and a gourmet chef and my boyfriend and all my clothes and shoes to keep me company. And my cell phone and my computer and the internet. And a dvd player and my memory foam mattress. But that's it! That is all I have with me to survive the long, desolate winter. It would be hard, I know, but being an introspective soul searching artisté ain't easy, ya know. Luckily, though, it's only a fantasy because I don't really think I could deal with that reality, I love my city life too much. Here's a few photos I snapped over the last couple of snowy days in Portland:

I guess that concludes my first blog. My very first blog ever. When I click "publish" will there be confetti and balloons?

More to come... stay warm out there, everyone!



Joanna Goddard said...

yay! this blog is so great, congratulations! :) ps. i love snow!

Maiden Rapture said...

Thanks, Joanna, your blog ain't too shabby, either! :) I'll send snow vibes your way... I'm so over it! Portland shuts down when it snows. xo