
Lighten Up

Building a blog is kind of like interior decorating.... Feng Shui is key. Given that Feng Shui is based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with energy, I realized that having black walls, or in the case of a blog: a black background, did not make my blog feel alive. In fact, it felt quite dead (plus my Mommy told me it was hard for her to read). Today I discovered that I could interior decorate my blog by choosing different colors for my background, text, and links. Whew! Thank goodness! I thought I was going to be stuck with my split second decision of black a few days ago when creating my blog. So I opened up the windows and let the light and energy of Portland winter in. Grey foggy skies, cold dark blue water, and a little bit of frozen soil. Ahhhhhh, yes, bask in my Feng Shui now, bitches! And while I'm tossing paint around, I may as well throw in a chair, a rug, and a wall hanging.




Ok, this freakin' deer head is too cute and pink is sooo not normally my style, but I've fallen head over hoof for this, and in the spirit of "lightening up," it's nice to have a splash of bright color. I love this Ghost Chair by Ralph Nauta and Lonneke Gordijn of Design Drift. I crave it. I dream about it. It looks like Old Man Winter blew some of his frosty breath into the mold. Lastly is the Woody Wood Rug by Yvette Laduk. I've been coveting this rug for a long time now and I'm pretty sure that if I am a good girl it will one day be mine.

Now let's cozy up by the fire.


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